Books, Magazines & Links

Guild Lending Library
The Guild maintains an extensive library of books, magazines, and videos that can be checked out by members in good standing. To obtain a publication, please contact Debbie Buddish, Guild Librarian. Publications may be checked out for one month with up to two renewals as long as there is no waiting list for the item. Members are responsible for replacement costs of items lost while in their possession.
Weaving & Fiber Art Groups
Useful Weaving Tools
Historical Guild Materials
In Nov., 2018 the Guild donated historical ephemera to the State Historical Society of Missouri, Kansas City Research Center, (SHMO) located on the UMKC campus. Make an appointment with SHMO to view our original constitution written in calligraphy or scrapbooks from the past.
Library Links
The Spencer Art Reference Library is located on the 2nd floor of the Bloch Building in the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum.
Univ. of Arizona On-Line Archive of Documents on Weaving and Related Topics >>